Sources & Citations
- Paper I: The Shadow of the Supermassive Black Hole
- Paper II: Array and Instrumentation
- Paper III: Data processing and Calibration
- Paper IV: Imaging the Central Supermassive Black Hole
- Paper V: Physical Origin of the Asymmetric Ring
- Paper VI: The Shadow and Mass of the Central Black Hole
Public Resource worth noting for amateur research:
The redshift database used by NASA is on record at Caltech here:
Plasma Cosmology
Foreword on Cosmic Magnetic Fields
In 2003 NASA published on its webpage forum: "Yes there are magnetic fields in space, but their strength depends on where you are... On the cosmological scale, there is no data to suggest that magnetic fields are present. They certainly are not important in the dynamics of the universe for any reasonable range of field strengths consistent with present observational constraints" (1). Few years later astronomers were surprised by the first direct measurement of nascent galaxys' magnetic fields allegedly 6.5 billion years ago (2).
Protogalaxy's magnetic field 10 times the strength of the MIlky Way's (2).
Super-strong magnetic fields of 200 Million Gauss” around black holes (3). Magnetic fields confine the torus surrounding them (14).
Brown dwarfs have been found to have strong magnetic fields as 'real stars', and not only brown but Ultracool Dwarfs (4) (5).
Most of the visible matter in the Universe is ionized, so that cosmic magnetic fields are quite easy to generate. The Earth, the Sun, solar planets, stars, pulsars, the Milky Way, nearby galaxies, more distant (radio) galaxies, quasars and even intergalactic space in clusters of galaxies have significant magnetic fields. The largescale structure of the Milky Way's magnetic field is still under debate. The only available explanation is a dynamo mechanism extrapolated from Earth, allowing diffuse ionized gas to become a "dynamically important magnetic field" (6).
"In spite of our increasing knowledge on magnetic fields, many important questions on the origin and evolution of magnetic fields, their first occurrence in young galaxies, or the existence of largescale intergalactic fields remained unanswered".
"The generally recognized assumption, that large galactic structures and large-scale flows are produced by the action of gravity ... is false" (11).
Black Holes
Bekenstein-Hawking Black Hole Entropy, Hawking Temperature, and the Unruh Effect: Insight from the Laws of Thermodynamics – a Synopsis
Authors: Stephen J. Crothers, Pierre-Marie Robitaille
Different magnetic fields in galaxies arms are credited to differential Faraday rotation and overlapping dynamos (7).
Orientation of magnetic fields within the Cat's Paw Nebula showed that direction was quite well preserved from large to small scales, implying that "self-gravity and cloud turbulence are not able to significantly alter the field direction" (8).
Ordered magnetic fields also exist between the clusters of galaxies ordered by Faraday rotation effect (9).
These large scale magnetic fields in galaxies and clusters are imputed to several supernova explosions (10), whose effects might last hundreds of thousands of years. However, explosions are chaotic events, so scientists had not expected them to generate a magnetic fields with an ORDERLY structure on a LARGE SCALE. "But this is exactly what they have now proved to be the case. The underlying mechanisms have not yet been fully understood" (10).
In 2003 NASA published on its webpage forum: "Yes there are magnetic fields in space, but their strength depends on where you are... On the cosmological scale, there is no data to suggest that magnetic fields are present. They certainly are not important in the dynamics of the universe for any reasonable range of field strengths consistent with present observational constraints" (1). Few years later astronomers were surprised by the first direct measurement of nascent galaxys' magnetic fields allegedly 6.5 billion years ago (2).
Protogalaxy's magnetic field 10 times the strength of the MIlky Way's (2).
Super-strong magnetic fields of 200 Million Gauss” around black holes (3). Magnetic fields confine the torus surrounding them (14).
Brown dwarfs have been found to have strong magnetic fields as 'real stars', and not only brown but Ultracool Dwarfs (4) (5).
Most of the visible matter in the Universe is ionized, so that cosmic magnetic fields are quite easy to generate. The Earth, the Sun, solar planets, stars, pulsars, the Milky Way, nearby galaxies, more distant (radio) galaxies, quasars and even intergalactic space in clusters of galaxies have significant magnetic fields. The largescale structure of the Milky Way's magnetic field is still under debate. The only available explanation is a dynamo mechanism extrapolated from Earth, allowing diffuse ionized gas to become a "dynamically important magnetic field" (6).
"In spite of our increasing knowledge on magnetic fields, many important questions on the origin and evolution of magnetic fields, their first occurrence in young galaxies, or the existence of largescale intergalactic fields remained unanswered".
"The generally recognized assumption, that large galactic structures and large-scale flows are produced by the action of gravity ... is false" (11).
Black Holes
Bekenstein-Hawking Black Hole Entropy, Hawking Temperature, and the Unruh Effect: Insight from the Laws of Thermodynamics – a Synopsis
Authors: Stephen J. Crothers, Pierre-Marie Robitaille
Different magnetic fields in galaxies arms are credited to differential Faraday rotation and overlapping dynamos (7).
Orientation of magnetic fields within the Cat's Paw Nebula showed that direction was quite well preserved from large to small scales, implying that "self-gravity and cloud turbulence are not able to significantly alter the field direction" (8).
Ordered magnetic fields also exist between the clusters of galaxies ordered by Faraday rotation effect (9).
These large scale magnetic fields in galaxies and clusters are imputed to several supernova explosions (10), whose effects might last hundreds of thousands of years. However, explosions are chaotic events, so scientists had not expected them to generate a magnetic fields with an ORDERLY structure on a LARGE SCALE. "But this is exactly what they have now proved to be the case. The underlying mechanisms have not yet been fully understood" (10).
Coherent magnetic fields (waves with a constant phase shift), are detected in the Magellanic Cloud bridge, which was supposed to link both Magellanic Clouds with a filament of neutral hydrogen (12).
It's been argued that precession could have a major role in creating a dynamo causing the Earth's magnetic field, and there is a large spectacular experiment devised to prove it (15). Another try is that matter bulk flows may generate vorticity in plasmas to account for the magnetic fields.
By Professor Donald Scott:
Black Hole X-Ray Sources
Authors: Stephen J. Crothers
Irwin et al recently reported on ultraluminous X-ray bursts in two ultracompact companions to nearby elliptical galaxies NGC 4697 and NGC 5128 (sources 1 and 2 respectively). Although they discuss a number of possibilities, they favour neutron stars and black holes as the likely sources: "the sources appear to be normal accreting neutron-star or black-hole X-ray binaries". However, there is no possibility for black holes to be associated with these X-ray sources because the mathematical theory of black holes contains a latent violation of the rules of pure mathematics.
Mathematical Theory of Black Holes – Its Infinite Equivalence Class
Authors: Stephen J. Crothers
There exists an infinite equivalence class of solutions for the equations Rμν = 0, thereby constituting all admissible 'transformations of coordinates'. If any element of this infinite equivalence class cannot be extended to produce a black hole then none can be extended to a black hole, owing to equivalence. No such element can be extended to produce a black hole. Consequently, the mathematical theory of black holes violates the rules of pure mathematics.
Comment on the Black Hole in Markarian 1018
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stab801
arXiv: 2010.02932
Refereed Papers
"Time resolved images from the center of the Galaxy appear to counter General Relativity", Dowdye, Jr., E.H., Astronomische Nachrichten, Volume 328, Issue 2, Date: February 2007, Pages: 186-191. Published on-line at: Search under author: Dowdye
"Extinction Shift Principle: A Pure Classical Alternative to General and Special Relativity", Dowdye, Jr., E.H., Physics Essays, Volume 20, 56 (2007) (11 pages); DOI: 10.4006/1.3073809
Plasma filaments
Sunspots are 2000 degrees while the photosphere is 5000. The dark cores in sunspots penumbra filaments cannot be explained then by a hot gas (19).
Binary stars are born and travel along elongated core structures of plasma (17). Anthony Peratt showed that electrical current-carrying filaments are parallel and they attract via the Biot-Savart force law, in pairs but sometimes three (18). This reduced the 56 filaments in his experiment over time to 28, hence the 56 and 28 fold symmetry patterns. There were ‘temporarily stable’ (longer state) durations at 42, 35, 28, 14, 7, and 4 filaments.
Herschel telescope taught us that stars are formed in beads inside plasma filaments (20).
Other scientists searched for warm/hot gas filamentary gas between pairs of luminous red galaxies and detectes a strong signal associated with galaxies' host halos (21).
Magnetic fields shape interstellar clouds reducing number of clumps , modifying the outcome of the formation process via magnetic braking (22).
Star formation filaments have standard sizes (23).
Plasma irregularities in the solar wind are plasmoids that differ from ideal Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic filaments (so they cannot be modelled by MHD) (24).
Fractal structure of cosmic plasma filaments, showing coaxial tubular structures named 'electric torch-like' (25). They are similar to vertically aligned plasma columns in Z-pinch electrical discharges.
Magnetic ropes connecting Earth to the Sun (26).
Magnetic ropes connecting Saturn to the Sun (27).
Magnetic reconnection between the magnetospheres of Jupiter and Saturn (28). Flux ropes travel through the solar system and cause solar storms (30).
Magnetic ropes in galaxies' halos (29).
Electric currents in astrophysical jets (41), even measured in Kilo-parsec jets (40).
Large scale Herbig-Haro Jets driven by brown dwarfs (42).
Reconnecting current sheets around black holes are responsible of X-ray emission in jets (43).
AGN jets carry currents (driven by Faraday rotation) with "preferred directions of the toroidal magnetic-fields". The formation of this magnetic field jets is suggested to be part of a "COSMIC BATTERY" (44).
It might be that "cosmic gas jets" are triggered by electrical discharges in spiral stellar nebulae (45).
Sun plasma jets, called spicules, form when churning plasma interacts with the magnetic fields, which get twisted up. Neutral and charged particles mix above the surface in a process called ambipolar diffusion (diffusion of positive and negative species with opposite electrical charge due to their interaction via an electric field), which creates an escape route for the building magnetic tension. Then, like a slingshot plasma is released (46).
Magnetic fields and z-pinch effects may cause collimation of astrophysical jets (47).
Same way that plasma filaments cannot be modelled by ideal MHD, jets cannot be accelerated by such processes. Non-ideal MHD effects (collision-less plasma) may "boost acceleration efficiency and power the jet emission" (48).
Mysterious alignments of super-massive black holes (accretion disks and relativistic jets) (49).
Plasmoids have been blamed for activity in AGNs and quasars emissions (50). At the same time plasmoid ejections are seen in solar flares and around black holes (51).
Supersonic plasma jets with temperatures of 10.000 degrees have been found high in the Earth's atmosphere (52).
Cosmic rays are emitted from Galactic Super-bubbles, similar to Fermi Bubbles (53). Gamma and X-ray emission has lots of theories but no explanation.
Bubbles arising from the centre of galaxies have Gamma rays at the edges (54).
Giant outflows at an angle of 60 degrees from Milky way centre, form lobes with ridge-structures that wind around the outflows like electric currents (55).
Ultraluminous X-ray (ULX) pulsars 10 times strongers than any known pulsar and 100 times over the Eddington Limit (maximum luminosity a body can achieve when there is balance between the force of radiation acting outward and the gravitational force acting inward) (56).
Another pulsar (NGC5907) has ULX 1000 times stronger than allowed (57). They are usually blamed to black holes, but due to his short periodicity (1.13 seconds) the source must be different origin.
Miliseconds X-ray pulsar (IGR J18245-2452 ) changes from emitting X-ray to radio frequencies (58). It might be explained by field-aligned current in surface/magnetosphere forming double layers (59).
Charged Planets
Runaway breakdown electrons in the atmosphere (61).
The Global Electric Circuit on Earth (62). Earth's crust holds a negative charge (68).
In the conventional model there is a maximum limit of accumulated charge, which is very far from the electric field observed in lightning (63). “Emission of X-rays and Gamma rays dissipates charge and prevents it from growing large enough to ionize air” (J. Dwyer) (64). Electric charge is already in the atmosphere (65) as the baloon experiments of Bering demonstrated (66).
Transient Luminous Events (TLE) such as Red Sprites, Blue jets, ELVES (Emission of Light and Very Low Frequency perturbations due to Electromagnetic Pulse Sources), gnomes rising towards the ionosphere (67).
EM forces in plasma accelerate charged particles, so that collisions among charged and neutral particles drag neutral air molecules (transfer. momentum). Detailed observation of arc discharges reveals that electric wind envelopes and precedes an electric arc (69).
Sun relation to climate (solar cycles, not only 11-22 years) and weather (70). It's being studied how electricity affects to geological phenomena (volcanism (71), earthquakes (72), storms (73)...).
It is not only happening in the Earth but in other moons/planets (74).
FAST WINDS in Jupiter (75), Venus (87), Uranus (76), Neptune (77) and Saturn (78). If wind is triggered by heating, why these far away planets have such tornadoes?
Lightning on Earth is modulated by solar wind (79).
Lightning on Venus (without water clouds) (80).
Connection ("ropes") between planets (Earth (26), Venus (81), Saturn (27), Jupiter (30)) and Sun. Electrostatic connection between Earth and Moon (107).
Hotspots at Saturn's poles (83).
Polar vortices (hurricanes) at Venus poles (84).
Dust storms in Mars (Devils 87), Titan (85), dust levitation, mobile dunes and magnetic storms in the Moon (86) with electrostatic deposition of sediments (106).
Slow rotation of planets (Saturn 89), (Jupiter 90), Venus (91), Earth (92)
Waterspouts on Earth behave like plasmas (93).
Plumes in planets (electric etching) (31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36).
Powerful unexplained auroras: heating the atmosphere in Saturn (95), in Jupiter (94), induced by electric fields in Venus (96), Mars (97), Uranus and Neptune (98), Io, Europa Ganymede and Callisto (100), Enceladus, Titan (101) and Triton (102) and even in rogue planets (99).
Remnant magnetic fields (Mars (104), Moon (105)) and induced magnetospheres (Titan and Venus) (103)
"Induced magnetospheres occur around planetary bodies that are electrically conducting or have substantial ionospheres, and are exposed to a time-varying external magnetic field. They can also occur where a flowing plasma encounters a mass-loading region in which ions are added to the flow" (103).
Electrical coupling of Saturn's atmosphere and rings (electric flow ions) (108)
Filamentation of volcanic plumes in Io (31). Plumes in Europa (32).
Unexplained plumes in Mars (34).
Plumes in Enceladus (35) are driven by an electrical circuit as acknowledged by NASA. The moon is a plasma source for Saturn.
Planetoids as Ceres, asteroids and comets with plumes (33) (36).
Charged particles detected in Titan's plasmasphere (37).
Magnetic flux ropes in Venus (38).
Comets explosions far away from the Sun (Wirtanen 1957 (110), ) or perihelions distances bigger than 0.5 AU (Biela-Lambert, Linear or West (111)) while other as Lovejoy approached the Sun 140.000 km without disintegrating (112).
Non-gravitational forces and erratic movements in comets (113). Same happens for asteroids which has been confirmed by NASA (134).
Cometary outbursts (67P Gerasimenko, Linear (114), Hale-Bopp (117), McNaught (117) or Holmes which became brighter that the Sun(116)), whose mechanisms are not understood. The most famous of all, however, was Comet Halley (117) with outbursts beyond Uranus' orbit.
Composition mineral mixture demonstrate that comets are fragments of rocky bodies.
Odd composition of comet nucleus requires electrical processes. Pigeonite and olivine in Comet Wild-2 (118) and crystalline silicates in Hale-Bopp (118) which need high temperatures. Cubanite and pyrrhotite entail liquid water; however, same comet contains olivines which structure breaks if there is water (119). Additionally, pyrrhotite (iron ore) needs 200 degrees K to form and forsterite (magnesium) 750 C (120). This impossible mix of minerals proves comets were built either near the Sun or with different temperature, pressure conditions or under electrical discharges (lightning) (122). Phyllosilicates (sedimentary rock) were found on Ryugu (131). It's been stated that comets are "solid as rock" (123).
"The H2O gas production rates as a function of the heliocentric distance of Halley were retrieved from the fluorescent emission of OH" (124).
Water is electrochemically formed by Solar Wind bombardment:
Only Hydronium ions OH- are spectroscopically detected in the coma (124). Water is dynamically formed there by proton bombarding from the solar wind (121). In comet Borelly or Linear only traces of water were found (125). A lot of volatiles [CO, CH3OH, H2CO, HCN, HNC, CS, H2S, CH3CN, SO and HNCO] and few water in Linear, McNaught, Hartley (125). Even in 67P Gerasimenko, publicized as the most important finding of water, they acknowledged that "was insufficient to explain out-gassing" (125).
Comet jets are not driven by H2O but by CO2 (126). F. Anariba thinks water (and other elements) can be electrochemically created in comets (127).
Since their composition lacks enough ice/water, sublimation cannot be blamed for explosions. Dust avalanches are hinted instead (115).
Very little water in asteroid Ryugu (132). However, astronomers blame possible sublimation (133) when they observed scattered dust and non-uniform coma or jets activity (134).
Redistribution of charge in comets (128).
X-Rays and extreme UV are detected in sunward part of comet's comas (129). A magnetic field is required for that (129).
Magnetic bubbles (cavities) in comets and asteroids (130) and even small magnetic fields (130).
Craters and Geological features
Dichotomy in both sides of the Moon (136). The far side if heavily cratered and with no 'Maria'.
Dichotomies in Callisto and Ganymede (137). Very different evolution due to Late Heavy Bombardment.
Mars hemispheres dichotomy (138). Southern is cratered and 58 km in depth, while northern is flat and its crust is just 32 km.
According to 'Earth Impact Database' there are 190 confirmed craters on our planet, most of them being circular (139). Meteorites should have fallen almost totally vertical (within +-15 degrees). Probabilities are meaningless (152). The flour experiments of JPL Laboratory (NASA) show how inclined impacts produce oval craters (140). Electric fields are always perpendicular to surface (152). Comparing with experiments published in papers (142), and filmed in videos (141) (143) it is clear that Most Craters can be proven Electrically driven.
Polygonal craters (hexa, penta and other regular forms) are NOT explained by impacts. However, they have been created using electricity (144).
Aligned craters in the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Pluto, Ganymede, Callisto and even Phobos! (145). Did meteorites fragmented just previous to impact in all such little bodies with no atmosphere? Unlikely.
Craters with central peaks: these are generally explained as bounces of liquid material. It's hard to explain the secondary craters right in the centre of the peaks (several km high some) (146).
Bull-eye craters: concentric (Robin Hood) and highly unlikely by impact. Sometimes there are groups up to 4 rings (147).
Rampart craters: at elevations over the surrounding terrain and surrounded by a moat. It's well explained by EDM (Electrical Machining). They are huge fulgamites. (148)
Spherules: created by arc discharges in experiments. (Mars, Venus and Saturn) (149).
Rilles (estuaries, canals): they are said to be "sunken lava tubes", but there are NO visible remains. They have vertical walls (Luna, Valles Marineris) and several rilles crater chains following the shape. They are longer than volcanic tubes on Earth (150).
There are 'Mixed craters' (lightning embankment) such as Tycho, Copernicus, Aristarchus, Eratosthenes and Ptolemy. Electrical erosion and fusion is a characteristic of electric craters (151) .
Fusion and vitrification are characteristic of electric arc discharges (155). It is believed that it can produced by impacts, but the heat dissipates too quickly. The heat transfer in the rock takes a large span approximately 21 mm/min in limestone (154).
Some of the alleged 'impact craters' hare humongous: Rheasilvia (90% of Vesta), Aitken (70% of Moon, Veneneia 70% of Vesta, Odysseus (42% of Tethys), Turgis (40% of Iapetus), Herschel (35% of Mimas), Evander (34% of Dione), Caloris (32% of Mercury), Yalode (28% of Ceres), Tirawa (24% of Rhea), Gertrude (21% of Titania), Dorothy (21% Charon), Stickney (around 17% of Phobos), Rembrandt (15% Mercury), Chicxulub (1.4% of Earth) (162). And little moons were not destroyed by the impacts!
"Despite the enormous size of the Valles Marineris chasm on Mars, the mechanism responsible for the formation of these unique troughs remains unknown" (156).
Olympus Mons formation is another colossal mystery (157), especially the scarp where it is located and the surrounding ridges and ravines.
Density anomalies in Mars (158) especially in equatorial regions. Same could be said about density of comets, which we've seen are not made of ice (163).
Filamentary network of "valles" in Venus (159). Lightning in high pressure gas causes this type of Lichtenberg Patterns (160). At low atmospheric pressure cratering is common (161).
Research on candidates for non-cosmological redshifts
A study of absorption redshifts of quasars
Study of Possible Local Quasars I: The First Sample
(1) (2)
(3) 2015 Wolfram Kollatschny (University of Göttingen)
(15) (16)
(18) Electric space: Evolution of the plasma universe A.Peratt
(33) Bennu dust plumes 67/P
(35) Enceladus
(36) Ceres doi:10.1038/nature15754
(45) 1961 C.E. Bruce (46) Martinez-Sykora-Ambipolar Diffusion
(51) Plasmoid ejections from solar flares Plasmoid ejections around black holes
(61) (62)
Feynman Lectures
(64) J. Dwyer
(66) Bering baloons
(67) Electrodynamics of sprites
(68)'s_Electric_Field (69) Electric Wind
Lightning Discharges, Cosmic Rays and Climate
(71) Volcanoes
(73) Electrical theory of tornadoes An apparent ionospheric response to the passage of hurricanes
(74) Io
Volcanic electrification in Venus, Mars, Io, Moon, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione and Triton
Tita and Enceladus
(80) Lightning on Venus
(90) Ganymede, Europa and Callisto moving slightly away from Jupiter
sidereal day lengthened by 6.5
(93) Waterspout as a special type of atmospheric aerosol dusty plasma V. Rantsev-Kartinov
(100) Io
(101) Enceladus
(102) Triton Aurora
(103) Induced magnetosphere Titan
Induced magnetosphere Venus
(104) Mars remnant magnetic field
(105) Moon remnant magnetic field
Solar wind electrons reflected by lunar electric and magnetic fields
(110) Comet Wirtanen
Electric Space, an exhibition developed by the Space Science Institute, together with the Franklin Institute Science Museum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Association of Science and Technology Centers (ASTC) with funding from the Informal Science Education Program of the National Science Foundation’s Education and Human Resources Directorate, and NASA’s Space Physics Division.
General electricity in space.
Peratt, Anthony L., “The evidence for electrical currents in cosmic plasma“, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (ISSN 0093-3813), vol. 18, Feb. 1990, p. 26-32 full text
Carlqvist, Per, “Cosmic electric currents and the generalized Bennett relation“, Astrophysics and Space Science (ISSN 0004-640X), vol. 144, no. 1-2, May 1988, p. 73-84
Peratt, Anthony L., “The role of particle beams and electrical currents in the plasma universe“, Laser and Particle Beams (ISSN 0263-0346), vol. 6, Aug. 1988, p. 471-491. full text
Alfvén, Hannes, , “Electric currents in cosmic plasmas]”, Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics, vol. 15, Aug. 1977, p. 271-284.
Alfvén, Hannes, “Electricity in Space“, in The New Astronomy, a Scientific American Book. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1955., p.74
Alfvén, H., “On the Importance of Electric Fields in the Magnetosphere and Interplanetary Space“, Space Science Reviews, Volume 7, Issue 2-3, pp. 140-148. 10/1967
Solar system electricity
Solar electricityAulanier, G.; Török, T.; Démoulin, P.; DeLuca, E. E., “Formation of Torus-Unstable Flux Ropes and Electric Currents in Erupting Sigmoids“, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 708, Issue 1, pp. 314-333 (2010). 01/2010
Vranjes, J.; Poedts, S., “Electric fields in solar magnetic structures due to gradient-driven instabilities: heating and acceleration of particles“, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 400, Issue 4, pp. 2147-2152. 12/2009
Santos, J. C.; Büchner, J., “MHD simulation of electric currents in the solar atmosphere caused by photospheric plasma motion“, Astrophysics and Space Sciences Transactions, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2007, pp.29-33, 12/2007
Spangler, Steven R., “A Technique for Measuring Electrical Currents in the Solar Corona“, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 670, Issue 1, pp. 841-848. 11/2007
Kim, Jik Su; Zhang, Hong-Qi; Kim, Jin Song; Kim, Kum Sok; Bao, Xing-Ming, “Solar Flare Activity and Variability of Electric Current Helicity“, Chinese Journal of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 2, p. 81-91 (2002) 02/2002
Feldman, U., “Electric Currents as the Main Cause of Coronal and Flare Activity in the Sun and in Many Late-Type Stars” (abs), Physica Scripta, Volume 65, Issue 2, pp. 185-192. 00/2002
Wheatland, M. S., “Are Electric Currents in Solar Active Regions Neutralized?“, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 532, Issue 1, pp. 616-621. 03/2000
Ferraro, V. C. A., “A note on the possible emission of electric currents from the sun“, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Nov.1930, Vol. 91, p.174
Mars electricityKok, Jasper F.; Renno, Nilton O., “Electrification of wind-blown sand on Mars and its implications for atmospheric chemistry“, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 36, Issue 5, CiteID L05202, 03/2009
Michael, M.; Tripathi, S. N.; Mishra, S. K., “Dust charging and electrical conductivity in the day and nighttime atmosphere of Mars” (abs), Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 113, Issue E7, CiteID E07010, 07/2008
Renno, Nilton O.; Kok, Jasper F., “Electrical Activity and Dust Lifting on Earth, Mars, and Beyond” (abs), Space Science Reviews, Volume 137, Issue 1-4, pp. 419-434, 06/2008
Farrell, W. M.; Desch, M. D., “Is there a Martian atmospheric electric circuit?” (abs), Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 106, Issue E4, p. 7591-7596, 04/2001
Saturn ElectricityFischer, Georg; Gurnett, Donald A.; Kurth, William S.; Akalin, Ferzan; Zarka, Philippe; Dyudina, Ulyana A.; Farrell, William M.; Kaiser, Michael L., “Atmospheric Electricity at Saturn” (abs), Space Science Reviews, Volume 137, Issue 1-4, pp. 271-285, 06/2008
Farrell, W. M.; Desch, M. D.; Kaiser, M. L.; Kurth, W. S.; Gurnett, D. A., “Changing electrical nature of Saturn’s rings: Implications for spoke formation” (abs), Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 33, Issue 7, CiteID L07203, 04/2006
Weinheimer, A. J.; Few, A. A., Jr. “The spokes in Saturn’s rings – A critical evaluation of possible electrical processes” (abs), Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 9, Oct. 1982, p. 1139-1142. 10/1982
Jupiter electricityConnerney, J. E. P.; Satoh, T.; Baron, R.; Owen, T., “Jupiter and Io: a cosmic electrical generator” (abs), Earth Space, Vol. 7, No. 8, p. 6 – 7, 14. 04/1995
CometsIsraelevich, P. L.; Ershkovich, A. I., “Induced magnetosphere of comet Halley. 2: Magnetic field and electric currents” (abs), Journal of Geophysical Research (ISSN 0148-0227), vol. 99, no. A11, p. 21,225-21,232. 11/1994
Tiersch, H.; Notni, P., “The electric potential on dust particles in comets and in interplanetary space“, Astronomische Nachrichten (ISSN 0004-6337), vol. 310, no. 1, 1989, p. 67-78. 00/1989
Grard, R.; Beghin, C.; Mogilevskii, M.; Formisano, V.; Mikhailov, Y.; Molchanov, O.; Pedersen, A.; Trotignon, J. G., “VEGA Observations of Electric Fields and Plasma in the Comet Halley Environment“, Soviet Astr. Lett.(TR:PISMA) V.12, NO.5/SEP-OCT, P. 286, 1986, 10/1986
Ip, W.-H.; Mendis, D. A., “The generation of magnetic fields and electric currents in cometary plasma tails” (abs), Icarus, vol. 29, Sept. 1976, p. 147-151. 09/1976
Ip, W.-H.; Mendis, D. A., “The cometary magnetic field and its associated electric currents” (abs), Icarus, vol. 26, Dec. 1975, p. 457-461.
Extra-solar electricity
PulsarsAlloy, M. D.; Menezes, D. P., “Electrically Charged Pulsars“, Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 37, Issue 4, p.1183-1190, 12/2007
Jonathan Arons, “Some problems of pulsar physics or I’m madly in love with electricity“, Space Science Reviews, Volume 24, Number 4 / December, 1979, Pages 437-510
Redshift and quasarsZhang, T. X., “Electric Redshift and Quasars” (abs), The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 636, Issue 2, pp. L61-L64. 01/2006
Binary starsWu, Kinwah; Cropper, Mark; Ramsay, Gavin; Sekiguchi, Kazuhiro, “An electrically powered binary star?“, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 331, Issue 1, pp. 221-227
Interstellar currentsZweibel, Ellen G.; Brandenburg, Axel, “Current Sheet Formation in the Interstellar Medium” (1997) Astrophysical Journal v.478, p.563
Carlqvist, Per; Gahm, Gosta F., “Manifestations of electric currents in interstellar molecular clouds” (1992) IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (ISSN 0093-3813), vol. 20, no. 6, p. 867-873. (Dec 1992)
Extragalactic jetsBaty, H. “On the magnetohydrodynamic stability of current-carrying jets” (2005) Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.430, p.9-17Jafelice, Luiz C.; Opher, Reuven; Assis, Altair S.; Busnardo-Neto, Jose, “Current generation in extragalactic jets by Cherenkov damping of magnetohydrodynamic waves” (1990) Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 348, Jan. 1, 1990, p. 61-72
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Terrestrial electricityWilliams, Earle; Markson, Ralph; Heckman, Stan, “Shielding effects of trees on the measurement of the Earth’s electric field: Implications for secular variations of the global electrical circuit” (abs), Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 32, Issue 19, CiteID L19810, 10/2005
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