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Spacetime is pseudoscience

  This post is directed at those behind the public understanding of science,. That includes much of the science press and others who make the claims I'm criticizing.  So its all in the way its presented to the public and how the public ends up perceiving the message.  It's prudent to keep matters logically consistent and observe the correct place of a law and the place of a theory to explain a law rather than replace it. Handling things as such means "Spacetime" as a fabric is not by necessity pseudoscience and anyone has a right to propose anything within reason in this regard. My case is made to address the disingenuous representation of the principles associated with General Relativity by the consensus science establishment to the public. It's the public whose funding permits the Sci-fi establishment to expand on the key perversions of the standard model and obscene engineering projects, telescopes and probes which support it (thanks to an outstanding crop of e...

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